Thursday, August 25, 2011

August Availability Update

The August nights are getting cooler in Regina, but Summer is still here and I hope that you're enjoying it too. It's been a quiet month for the car share (RCS), with many of our members choosing to walk and bike to where they want to go. This leaves you ample opportunity to try out car sharing. Join and book the car practically whenever you'll need it - sharing is fun and saves you money.

In Saskatoon, there's an enthusiastic group of people looking to bring car sharing to Saskatchewan's other major city. If you're interested in having a car share option in Saskatoon that is fully compatible with Regina's Car Share Co-operative, please get in touch with us and we'll put you in touch with them. The best thing you can do is join RCS; members have control of the co-operative and make the decisions. Saskatoon's team has had positive feedback and interest from over 90 people so far, and Regina's car share started with roughly 35 people at early meetings, so I'm encouraged by the support.

Stay Summery,

John Klein
Regina Car Share Co-operative

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